27 Contact Lenses Found in Women’s Eye by UK Surgeons

A 67-year-old woman, who was scheduled for routine cataract surgery, attributed her discomfort to dry eye and old age, as she informed her surgeons.

However, the medical team at Sollihull Hospital in the UK made a surprising discovery.

They found a distressing mass of 27 contact lenses stuck in her right eye. This incident was detailed in an article recently published in the British Medical Journal

According to Rupal Morjaria, an ophthalmology specialist trainee and author of the paper, the woman had not reported any visual issues prior to the surgery.

During the initial stages of numbing the eye for the operation, Richard Crombie, a consultant anaesthetist at the hospital, discovered the first cluster of contact lenses.

Morjaria explained that as Crombie inserted a speculum to keep the eye open while administering the anaesthetic, he observed a blue mass beneath the upper eyelid.

The cluster found under the patient’s eyelid turned out to be a clump of 17 lenses, while an additional examination revealed the presence of 10 more lenses.


The entire medical team, including Rupal Morjaria, was left astounded by the extraordinary nature of this case, as they had never encountered such a situation before.

The woman had been using monthly disposable contact lenses for a period of 35 years, but it remains uncertain how long the lenses had been accumulating in her eye.

On occasions when she attempted to remove a contact from that particular eye, she was unable to locate it, assuming she had dropped it somewhere. Little did she realize that these seemingly lost contacts were actually getting trapped alongside others within her eye.

Morjaria is uncertain whether the woman had any prior appointments with an optometrist prior to the discovery of the cluster, but she doesn’t think she would have had regular checkups.

Morjaria, along with the other authors of the article, expressed their intention to increase awareness regarding the potential consequences of wearing contact lenses without regular medical checkups.

Due to the risk posed by the presence of the trapped contact lenses, the woman’s scheduled surgery had to be postponed. However, after the lenses were removed, she returned two weeks later, reporting significant improvement.

Subsequently, she underwent the intended surgery that had initially brought her to the hospital.

Why soft contact lenses are more likely to get stuck inside the eyes?

Soft contact lenses have a higher likelihood of getting trapped or stuck in the eye due to their flexible and pliable nature, which allows them to alter their shape. While this flexibility makes them comfortable to wear, it also increases the chances of the lens folding or folding up and getting trapped under the eyelid.
 Soft contact lenses have a higher capacity to absorb liquids, including tears, eye drops, or other fluids. If a contact lens absorbs a significant amount of fluid, it can become swollen and more likely to adhere to the eye or get stuck.

Warning Signs for Trapped Contact Lenses:

  • Discomfort or pain
  • Irritation or redness
  • Blurred or decreased vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Excessive tearing
  • Foreign body sensation

The aim of this article is to emphasize the importance of seeking professional attention in cases where contact lens wearers experience any of these sensations in the eye and are aware that they have not removed their lenses.

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As the author of this content, I originally published this article on the Medium platform, under the publication titled “Illumination,” on the 4th of July, 2023.

Do check out my medium profile.

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